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STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE If things in life aren't going your way, whose fault is it, after all?


WHO CARES ABOUT HER "FEELINGS"? Your Professor says that, if you're all worried about her feelings, you're doing it all wrong!


GO AWAY LITTLE BOY A man who found out the 5-year-old boy he'd been supporting and caring for wasn't his. So he abandoned the boy as he waited to be picked up at school. Was the man right to do this?

From The New York Post: Dad abandons son, 5, at school after discovering he’s not his father


WITH GASOLINE PRICES SO HIGH, SHOULD WE DO SOMETHING TO GET BACK AT OIL COMPANIES? So many people are so angry about high gas prices. And they want the President, Congress, or literally anyone to get even. Tom has a better plan. And you may not like it.

From Twitter: Senator Bernie Sanders on oil companies' profits

From Morningstar: Exxon Mobil Corp

From Morningstar: Shell PLC

From Morningstar: Chevron Corp


"GOD" IS A JOKE America's Most Outrageous Atheist tells you why the shape the world is in today is proof positive there is no "supreme being".


WAYS TO ECONOMIZE DURING INFLATION You have no idea how much money you waste. Tom tells you how to batten down the hatches!


HOW'S YOUR MONEY HOLDING UP DURING THIS RECESSION? Are you saving? Investing? Being frugal? Buying now and paying later?


WITH ABORTION RIGHTS GONE, HOW WILL THIS AFFECT MEN? Tom has practical advice for men going forward now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned.

Click here and order all the Plan B abortion pills you can WHILE you can.


SHOULD TRANS ATHLETES COMPETE IN WOMEN'S SPORTS? Women's soccer player Megan Rapinoe says yes. And what does Tom say?

Megan Rapinoe: Trans athletes aren't ruining women's sports

