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WOKE CULTURE: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Tom talks to best-selling author, James Lindsay. Math PhD. who calls himself the "World's best Woke interpreter". Woke culture and cancel culture: what does this all mean?

Get a copy of James's book, written with Helen Pluckrose, Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody

Click here to connect with James Lindsay on Twitter.

Visit James Lindsay's website by clicking here.

What are your thoughts on "woke culture"? Write to Tom right here: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


DID A POPULAR LA RADIO PERSONALITY REFER TO BLACK BABIES AS "PORCH MONKEYS"? YES says former LA radio personality Joshua Escandon. Josh says he wants "to be a champion of civil rights" and he's talking. Was Josh blackballed from radio because of a "gay mafia"?

What do you think? Write Tom: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


THE DISCONNECT BETWEEN REAL LIFE AND THE STOCK MARKET City streets across America are full of homeless people and their tents, cardboard boxes, and used syringes. People are lining up for COVID-19 tests or free food. Yet the stock market continues to advance. What's going on? And what will Tom do next?

<--break->Got a money question? Send it to Tom: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


"I DON'T CARE" Three of the major team sports have resumed play here in the US. Tom is having a hard time getting excited about that.

The NHL is back and business is BOOMING!

How do you feel about the return of three of the major sports leagues? Let Tom know: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


HERMAN CAIN: "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW" Herman Cain, the one-time Republican candidate for president, has died following his mask-free visit to Donald Trump's recent campaign visit to Tulsa. Are you sad? Tom's not!

Tom calls this tweet "the very definition of irony."

Tom says that "masks won't be mandatory where Herman Cain is going!"

This tweet mysteriously disappeared after the guy behind it, Bill Montgomery, died of COVID-19.

Do you agree with Tom about Herman Cain or disagree? Tell him: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


WHY IS SHE STILL THERE? COVID-19 has been cited as a cause for a surge in divorces. Why haven't you given her the boot yet?

Here's the story that got Tom going: CA attorneys seeing divorce rates surge with couples stuck at home during COVID-19 pandemic.

Got Leykis 101 questions for Your Professor? Click here to ask yours: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TOM CANCELS A SUBSCRIBER Every now and then, Tom says something outrageous and a subscriber cancels. So why in the world would Tom cancel a subscriber? Find out!

Retrace Tom's steps from the radio station to his home the night he put oil in his own car on a cold night in Albany, New York

What do you think? Tell Tom now: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


WILL HE GO? What happens if the President loses to Joe Biden on Election Day, but then refuses to leave office on January 20, 2021? Tom talks to Professor Lawrence Douglas who tells us what could happen.

Click here to see the reviews and to get a copy of Will He Go?

Do you agree or disagree with Professor Douglas? Tell Tom now: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


IS THIS REALLY THE END FOR AMERICA? Sure, things are bad. But are they that bad? Find out as Tom talks to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Chris Hedges about his book, "America: The Farewell Tour".

Get Chris Hedges' book by clicking here.

Do you think that America is finished? Let's hear your thoughts: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


SUSPECTED SHOOTER OF JUDGE'S FAMILY A FORMER GUEST ON THE TOM LEYKIS SHOW A member of the family of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas opened the front door to a man claiming to have a FedEx delivery who came in and shot both Judge Salas's son, who died, and her husband, who has survived. His name was Roy Den Hollander, a former guest on the Tom Leykis Show. Here is one of his appearances in its entirety. Episode free to all!

The likely shooter, Roy Den Hollander

Read the Washington Post story about this shooting.

Questions? Comments? Let 'em fly: tom@blowmeuptom.com.

