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CALL ME ELLIOT! (ALSO CALL ME HE/THEY!) Actress Ellen Page took to Twitter to announce that she is now Elliot Page. Should we care?

The New York Times story about this subject: Elliot Page, Oscar-Nominated ‘Juno’ Star, Announces He Is Transgender

Ellen announces that you are now to refer to "him" as Elliot.

Where do you stand on this? Tom's pronouns are Fe/Fi/Fo/Fum: tom@blowmeuptom.com.



WAYS THE PANDEMIC IS CHANGING US FOREVER Will the world ever be the same again? Will we? Hear how Tom is being permanently transformed by almost a year in hiding. Is it really all that bad?

How is the pandemic changing you? Will you ever be the same? Write: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TOM TO HOLIDAY TRAVELERS: DROP DEAD! Millions of Americans are throwing CDC safety guidelines for COVID-19 aside to enjoy their holidays as usual. Tom is not pleased. (This episode is not for the fainthearted.)

The Arlington, TX public service announcement about a family whose members all caught COVID-19.

Read all about the Arlington, TX family in which every member of the family contracted COVID-19.

Travelers in Pittsburgh line up to travel for Thanksgiving despite CDC COVID-19 warnings.

Record Number of Travelers Flood Airports, Despite CDC Thanksgiving Travel Warning

Are you getting together with family and friends no matter what the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci are warning? Tell Tom your thoughts: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TOM'S MAKING MONEY MOVES Find out what Tom is doing next. A new mutual fund. An old favorite. Where he's been loading up. What he dumped. How he's navigating all this volatility.

<--break->Click here to join the conversation about this episode in this private group that is limited to subscribers like you!

Got a guest idea or a topic selection? Write Tom now: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


WILL JOE BIDEN LET DONALD TRUMP OFF THE HOOK? Tom warned you that Joe Biden will "be the next Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter": a lovable guy who is so nice, he'll let the wrongdoers off the hook for "the sake of uniting the country". Should Biden put Trump behind bars or "let our country heal"?

Here is the story that got Tom going: Biden hopes to avoid divisive Trump investigations, preferring unity

Click here to see how simliar the story of the pardon of Richard Nixon is to what Joe Biden wants to do with Donald Trump

What's your take? Tom wants to know! Write him here: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TOM CANCELS HIS ANNUAL ORPHAN THANKSGIVING Despite his various ups and downs, Tom's been doing it since that infamous first Orphan Thanksgiving in 1979 in New York City. But he finally ran up against a foe bigger than any: COVID-19.

The original Facebook post Tom sent his friends announcing his 2020 cancellation.

Here's the story referenced above that finally convinced Tom to give up on trying to stage his annual Orphan Thanksgiving event for 2020.

CDC Guidelines for Holiday Celebrations and Small Gatherings

What's your take? Tell Tom: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


THE HIDDEN FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF THIS PANDEMIC You are profiting from the COVID-19 pandemic in ways you haven't even imagined! Tom looks back on the thousands of dollars he's saved since most of us have been on lockdown. Time to start banking what you're saving!

Get Tom's list of The Hidden Benefits of This Pandemic by sending your Premium or Super Premium Tom username and your email address to tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TRUMP: LOO-ZAH! You asked for it and it's here! Tom's take on the election results, his former friends and associates who got the boot, and what he thinks will happen next.

What's your take on the election? Let Tom know: tom@blowmeuptom.com.


TALK RADIO'S AL RANTEL GIVES US HIS TAKE ON THE ELECTION CRAZINESS Outrageous longtime Los Angeles and Miami radio talk show host Al Rantel returns to try to help Tom sort out what the hell is happening with the aftermath of the presidential election. What will happen next?


From NBC News: Denmark vows to kill millions of minks even after WHO downplays Covid mutation risk

What do you think? Tell Tom NOW: tom@blowmeuptom.com


NOW THAT IT'S OVER, WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO WIN THIS ELECTION? What will happen? Tom gets answers from attorney Seth Harris, one-time US Labor Secretary who worked inside the White House alongside President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. What can Biden do with a still-Republican Senate?

Seth Harris Wikipedia listing.

What are your thoughts? Write Tom: tom@blowmeuptom.com.

