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LOOK OUT BELOW! The stock markets have been dropping dramatically. Tom has suggestions for your savings and your portfolio!

Money questions for future episodes? Click here to ask yours!


52 POUNDS DOWN Now that Tom has lost so much weight, beyond listeners and followers, his friends are asking him how he's doing it. They're disappointed at the answer!

The new Tom Leykis.

Got a question for Tom? Click here and send it to him!


NARRATIVES Do you believe everything you read about celebrities? Tom sets you straight.

Here, Tom shows how Dorothy (played by Judy Garland) meeting The Wizard of Oz is like meeting most radio talk show hosts and celebrities.

In this scene from the 1970s film American Graffiti, legendary to aspiring radio personalities, Curt  (played by Richard Dreyfuss) comes down to the radio station looking to meet his hero, Wolfman Jack, but he gets a surprise.

What's your take? Click here and tell Tom!


PILLOW TALK Is MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell really threatening Salon investigative journalist Zachary Petrizzo? Let's ask him!


NOT HIS KIDS A Reddit user got married to his "high school sweetheart" and they quickly had two kids. THEN, he found out they weren't his, so he left. Now that the kids are reaching adulthood, they want a relationship. And money to go to college.

Here's the original post from Reddit.

What do you think? Click here and let Tom know!


SHOULD WIVES BE ABLE TO STAY AT HOME WHILE HUSBANDS WORK? This contributor to Reddit's "Am I The Asshole?" page is confronting this question as his wedding approaches. Your Professor weighs in!

Man taken aback by fiancee’s ‘manipulative’ financial request: ‘Dude, I think you’ve been played’

Am I The Asshole for calling my fiancee lazy for wanting to be a stay-at-home wife?

What are your thoughts? Click here and tell Your Professor!


IS LARRY ELDER THE LIBERTARIAN HE CLAIMS TO BE? Low-rated radio talk show host Larry Elder leads a group of no one you ever heard of to unseat Governor Gavin Newsom in a California recall election. But there is something you don't know about Larry, that talk radio superstar Al Rantel DOES know. Click and find out what it is!

What do you think? Click here and have your say!


FALL IS COMING FOR YOUR MONEY Are you ready? Bond tapering, possible interest rate hikes, inflation. Are you prepared for more COVID lockdowns? Tom breaks things down!

Money questions for our next episode? Click here and write Tom NOW!


ANTIVAXXER PHIL VALENTINE DEAD OF COVID He knew better than the rest of us. On his blog, he said, "I’m just using common sense. What are my odds of getting COVID? They’re pretty low. What are my odds of dying from COVID if I do get it? Probably way less than one percent." And, poof! Like a miracle, against all odds, he's DEAD! Tom weighs in.

Phil Valentine, a radio host who scoffed at Covid, then urged his followers to get vaccinated, dies.

Phil Valentine, Conservative Radio Host Who Regretted Vaccine Skepticism, Dies of COVID

Phil Valentine's Facebook page

Where do you stand on Phil Valentine and others like him? Click here and tell Tom!


ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST! After months of thought, Tom finally figures out what he hates about the mouthy goobers who think they "know more" than HE does about vaccines and science. and it's not their lower IQs!

<--break->My Brother Died And My Anti-Vaccine Siblings Are Telling Me Not To Come To His Funeral

How do you feel about anti-vaxxers and COVID deniers of the South? Click here and tell Tom!

