On-Demand Stream Library

ALERT: Please click the calendar date or listen now button for a listing of On-Demand Streams!

Latest Shows

Hour 1: Manny Pacquiao vs. The Grove Mall. Pacquiao banned from The Grove for condemning gay marriage and challenges President Obama. Hour 2: Back To Radio. A listener asked when Tom is coming back to regular radio and Tom flips shit. Hour 3: Exes. Why do guys get jealous of their exes with other people?


Hour 1: Deadbeats and Money. Tom has had enough of deadbeats asking for a handout and wants to know why you keep giving these people money? Hour 2: Cont Deadbeats. Tom takes more of your calls about the weak links in your life that just won't get their shit together. Hour 3: SPORTS! Los Angeles sports teams are laying it down right now with 3 of them currently in the playoffs.


Hour 1: Obama /Gay Marriage. Many listeners have expressed their desire for Tom to discuss the president and his recently new outspoken stance in favor of gay marriage. Hour 2: Money Monday Hour 3: Cell Phones. Tom is fed up with the HTC EVO downloading mandatory apps, or bloatware. The iPhone vs Android debate finds its way to The Tom Leykis Show.


Hour 1: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 2: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 3: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 4: Flash Friday/WOP


Hour 1: Women need to be careful what types of guys they seek child support from- Tom shares a story of a man who allegedly killed his gf and children in order to not pay. Hour 2: Tom Leykis Show Mission Statement. After seeing the response from listeners on Tom discussing a topic as serious as Kelly Thomas it's time to reaffirm the purpose of the Tom Leykis Show. Hour 3: Leykis 101 Hour 4: Leykis 101


Hour 1: Fullerton PD Style. Tom refuses to take any listeners out Kelly Thomas style, but has a differing opinion on Fullerton PD style. Includes the debut of Fullerton PD style. Hour 3: U.S. Postal Service. Tom believes the U.S. Postal Service should be closed down for good as we no longer need it thanks to modern technology.


Hour 1: Fullerton Police brutality with Gustavo Arellano. Graphic security footage has been released of a homeless OC man being beat to death by a group of Fullerton Police Officers. Gustavo Arellano of the OC Weekly joins Tom to discuss excessive force and take your telephone calls. Hour 2: Continue Kelly Thomas beating with Gustavo Arellano. Tom and Gustavo take more of your telephone calls weighing in on this horrific footage. Hour 3: Unscreened Calls.


Hour 1: Trayvon Martin. Tom asked through Facebook what Monday's first topic should be- and you voted! Tom shares his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case and asks you to weigh in. Hour 2: Money Monday Hour 3: Prenups. Originally planned as a Thursday Leykis 101 topic, it became clear after this weeks edition of Money Monday that Tom couldnt wait any longer to address this important issue. You need a prenup.


Hour 1: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 2: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 3: Flash Friday/WOP Hour 4: Flash Friday/WOP


Hour 1: A waitress in Texas held customers against their will for not tipping the 17% gratuity mandated by the restaurant. Hour 2: Pop Chips has apologized and pulled a YouTube video ad starring Ashton Kutcher that spoofed a variety of cultures. Tom thinks the entire thing, apology included, is all by design. Hour 3: Leykis 101 Hour 4: Leykis 101

