Jan 17th, 2024 | Tom Talks


Submitted by shoebria on

I've given up seats a couple of times recently with mixed results. One time, I did it for a dad to be near his young child. That was fine, and I was only moving a few rows back and keeping my aisle seat. Now for the not-so-good time. A flight attendant asked me whether I would be willing to move from a row with an open middle seat so that a married couple could sit together. I reluctantly said yes. I got stuck in a crowded row. Later, I walked by the seat I gave up and noticed the couple left the middle seat open and were all spread out and enjoying the extra space - completely ignoring each other while watching separate movies! I was pissed. No matter what, I would never give up a premium seat I paid more for or accept a window/center seat. I'm with Tom. Plan ahead!

Submitted by masterautotech on

The last time we talked about this problem of same giving up your seat situation, there was a pregnant woman on a city bus. All the seats were taken up and She wanted everyone to feel sorry for her. she wanted someone to give up their seat so she could sit down. As if her needs superseded everyone else’s needs.
Its always a problem with a woman and its always a problem with a pregnant woman, Every single time.
just say no guys! no no no !

Submitted by Shea_P1 on

A pregnant wanted my aisle seat. She was alone. And I said yes and I took the middle seat. She had an armed force T-shirt I think navy. She was pretty and i assumed her bd was active forces. She didn’t talk to me she just thanked me once. It was my first ever flight and I was scared and I tbh felt comfy between her and an older lady.

But saying no is an important tool to put oneself first especially to point a plan was made, money was spent, lucky and medical reasons. No one cares about what someone might have worked hard for nor care about someone else’s comfort except their own. So, why should we care about others comforts? We didn’t do anything to deserve to be second class when we’re first class.

I have a problem saying no to anyone. This really helped me again.

I love Tom looking out for us!

Thanks again PT!

Quality work and topic.