Jan 3rd, 2024 | Tom Talks

A RESTAURATEUR IS ADDING A $50 "UNABLE TO PARENT" FEE TO SOME CHECKS If your kids don't behave at this place, you're gonna pay. Is that a bad thing?

Restaurant adds $50 surcharge to family’s bill because of ‘loud’ kids

Restaurateur goes viral for adding $50 to parents’ bill, saying kids belong ‘at Burger King’—that’s bad leadership: Expert



Submitted by Liberation95 on

This sounds like the best fee to nail these entitled families with! Of all the made up charges like house fees, paying for the servers' insurance or mandatory gratuity for large parties, charging fees for annoyingly loud children makes the most sense! The woman thought the kids were being good? You mean good for her? We need more restaurants like this!

Submitted by ncplayer on

I've been to restaurants where kids are running around, loud, and the parents do nothing. They literally expect the restaurant staff to babysit their kids while they eat. So, I understand the fee.