Oct 30th, 2023 | In the News

SELF-ADMITTED JUNKIE, MATTHEW PERRY, HAS DIED Why are so many people so sad?

Matthew Perry’s 911 audio dispatch released as distraught parents arrive at his home



Submitted by masterautotech on

Thanks Tom. That show "friends" that everyone loves and thinks is so good and great I never understood or got it. The part of the show that was hard for me was 5 or so people in the middle of new york city and it seemed like they never interact with different groups of people or other ethnic groups. I never understood why? It's as if the lived in a bubble. That show should have been set in iowa or Idaho.
New York city with stabbings armed robbery and pizza rat yeah right... did the writers of this show see the Eddie Murphy movie coming to America? I've lived in New York city and state. Any one who has lived in New York will understand what I'm saying. Anyway on to the departed Mr perry, I'm not a fan of his. He has never impressed me with his acting skills so yeah. No loss for me. Maybe his best acting work was when he was under the influence of his favorite dope. Who the heck knows. Also as far as his coworkers coactors there is no way that they don't know he was not drunk or high on dope while on set with them come on. As far as him killing him self go for it buddy. All the fame all that money and he lives in the most beautiful places and most desirable areas in the world, All the LA smoking hot chicks that dude had and could have we are talking about perfect 10s plus and he kills himself. I guess that life was to hard Loser.. wow what a life he had. here I am working my ass off trying to earn the most and get my life to that point . And I'm still getting better everyday. I would live that dudes life in a minute. I don't feel bad about him or for him. He had it all and some. Now he's dead...