Guest Interviews

Guest Interviews

Hour 1: Do men need to grow up, get married and have kids as a Facebook post suggests? Hour 2: Having kids puts you behind the proverbial 8 ball. Hour 3: Unscreened Calls.


Hour 1: Tom reflects on the death of Dr. Toni Grant, the radio host who coined the phrase, "Life is not a dress rehearsal". Hour 2: Tom gives needed advice like Dr. Toni Grant used to do and talks with Eric who is hung -up on a woman. Hour 3: Tom and the callers give more advice to Eric and others.


Hour 1: Gustavo Arellano, Editor of The OC Weekly joins Tom in studio. Hour 2: Ask a Mexican with Gustavo Arellano. Hour 3: Be Funny.


Hour 1: Are women at any disadvantages at all? Hour 2: Have you felt pain in a break up? Hour 3: More on those hurt during break ups.


Hour 1: Tom gets reactions to the terror attacks in Brussels. Hour 2: The discussion of terrorism continued. Hour 3: The latest news and more reactions after the terror attack in Brussels.


Hour 1: Tom talks about the imminent demise of the radio industry. Hour 2: More on the end of the radio industry. Hour 3: Unscreened calls.


Hour 1: Would you date a transsexual? Hour 2: The discussion of dating a transsexual continued. Hour 3: Unscreened calls.


Hour 1: Today marks the 4 year anniversary of moving into The New Normal Burbank studios in Burbank. Hour 2: More on the anniversary and accomplishments of the last 4 years at The New Normal. Plus, Ron the troll calls in explain his trolling to Tom. Hour 3: Tom and the listeners dress-down Ron the troll.


Hour 1: What do the Tom Leykis Show listeners think about the presidential race? Hour 2: The discussion of presidential politics continued. Hour 3: Tom warns women not to get pregnant by men who don't want it by telling a news story of a man who burned his pregnant girlfriend alive. Plus, Jarrett, a Facebook troll, confronts Tom about Tom being mean to him.


Hour 1: Everyone reacts to Kanye West taking to Twitter for money after claiming to be over $50 million in debt. Hour 2: Reaction to Kanye West continued. Hour 3: Unscreened calls.

