On-Demand Stream Library

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Hour 1: Fatkinis. After seeing a new photo gallery online of fat chicks in bikinis with far too much self confidence, Tom wants to understand what the hell it is that's going on and get your feedback. Hour 2: Location to Beauty Ratio. Tom has said it many times before as a joke, but it's absolutely true- the hotter chick you are the better life you will lead. Hour 3: Unscreened Calls.


Hour 1: BBQ. Tom spent the Memorial Day holiday BBQ'ing and smoking all kinds of meats thinks the best part about the summer kickoff is BBQ season. Hour 2: Things Chicks Hate. Feeling inspired by the previous hours topic, Tom wants to compile a list of all the things chick hate with your input. Hour 3: Pinterest. Over the weekend Tom signed up for Pinterest on the advice from an internet marketing friend. Are you on Pinterest? Does anybody but chicks give a shit about this?


Hour 1: Tom Leykis Show Debut of Tweet Your Teats! Flash Friday/WOP Hour 2: Tom Leykis Show Debut of Tweet Your Teats! Flash Friday/WOP Hour 3: Tom Leykis Show Debut of Tweet Your Teats! Flash Friday/WOP Hour 4: Tom Leykis Show Debut of Tweet Your Teats! Flash Friday/WOP


Hour 1: Ex-USC Recruit Exonerated Of Rape. Tom shares a story about a young man who was jailed and served 10 years only to be exonerated of his rape charge after the girl admitted to him she never came clean in order to keep the 1.5 million dollar settlement money. Hour 2: Tweet You Teats. Starting for Flash Friday tomorrow Tom is launching a new Twitter initiative designed to take Flash Friday to the digital realm. Hour 3: Leykis 101 Hour 4: Leykis 101


Hour 1: Ex-USC Recruit Exonerated Of Rape. Tom shares a story about a young man who was jailed and served 10 years only to be exonerated of his rape charge after the girl admitted to him she never came clean in order to keep the 1.5 million dollar settlement money. Hour 2: Tweet You Teats. Starting for Flash Friday tomorrow Tom is launching a new Twitter initiative designed to take Flash Friday to the digital realm. Hour 3: Leykis 101 Hour 4: Leykis 101


Hour 1: Politics on The Tom Leykis Show. Should Tom discuss politics on this version of the show? It's TLS decision 2012 and you're turn to vote. Hour 2: 2012 Presidential Campaign. You voted to hear more political topics so Tom discusses his stance on Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Hour 3: Unscreened Calls.


Hour 1: Internet radio vs terrestrial radio. Tom starts the show by asking you to read the answers to a new interview he participated in about the state of radio and its future. Includes a revealing look at the previous studio location of The Tom Leykis Show. Hour 2: Continued discussion on internet radio vs terrestrial radio. Hour 3: After the discussion generated by the shows first two hours, Tom takes the idea a step further and articulates the change we're seeing as a society from the big box ideals of the past to the smaller, more niche products we support in the new digital age. Are we becoming a "like" button society? Hour 4: Continued discussion on the era of the "like" button.


Hour 1: Mark Zuckerberg Marriage. Just turned 28 year old Mark Zuckerberg surprised everyone over the weekend by suddnely announcing his marriage to his long time girlfriend. How dumb is this guy? Hour 2: Money Monday Hour 3: Money Money Continued.


Hour 1: Flash Friday. Author of Sideways, Rex Pickett, joins Tom in studioo to discuss the premiere of the new stage adaptation of the popular film and novel. Hour 2: Flash Friday. The studio phones are dead so Tom makes the best of a bad situation and invites the rest of the cre on air to answer your questions through social media. Hour 3: Flash Friday. More with Tom, Gary, Dino, and Art. Hour 4: Flash Friday/WOP. Phones are back up and Tom takes your calls. Hour 5: Flash Friday/WOP. Second bonus hour!


Hour 1: Leykis 101 Hour 2: Leykis 101 Hour 3: Identifying Accusers. LA Angels player Tori Hunter's son, Darrius McClinton-Hunter, may have sexual assault charges against him dropped after his unidentified and protected 16 year old accuser may have recanted the story. Tom wants to know why we have to protect these liars who accuse people of heinous acts. Includes the debut of Killer Chimpanzee style. Hour 4: Unscreened Calls

