Guest Interviews

Guest Interviews

Hour 1: Tom's wine making is an illustration of how you can achieve your dreams. Hour 2: What are you doing for Valentine's Day? Hour 3: Unscreened calls.


Hour 1: Donald Trump lost the Iowa Caucus and Tom's loving it. Hour 2: The discussion of presidential politics continued. Hour 3: Unscreened calls.


Hour 1: Why has the conversation about race become so angry? Hour 2: The discussion of angry people arguing continued. Hour 3: More on the angry arguers.


Hour 1: Tom discusses guns, gun control and gun ownership. Hour 2: More on the topic of guns. Hour 3: It's official, the St. Louis Rams are moving back to LA.


Hour 1: Respect is not deserved, it's earned. Hour 2: Does everyone deserve respect? Continued. Hour 3: It's raining in Southern California...who cares?


Hour 1: Who still goes on traditional dates? Hour 2: The discussion of traditional dating continued. Hour 3: Tom hates cats.


Hour 1: Getting rid of dream killers in your life. Hour 2: The discussion of dream killers continued. Hour 3: Strive to be better than others.


Hour 1: The LAUSD closed all schools today due to terror threats, but why should childless people be affected at all? Hour 2: More on parents expecting others to help with their kids.


Hour 1: Boys, don't your ladies move in with you. Hour 2: More horror stories of when the ladies move into your home.


Hour 1: Should the U.S. accept Syrian refugees? Hour 2: The debate about accepting Syrian refugees continued. Hour 3: It's The Racism Hour with the released video of the police shooting of Laquan McDonald.

