Aug 15th, 2020 | Tom Talks

WHY THIS PANDEMIC IS A GIFT Most people see the current global COVID-19 crisis as a disaster and a major inconvenience. Tom has found ways to see it differently.

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Submitted by JDY on

Finally some hard truths during this pandemic! I'm just wondering when life will go back 2 normal. Hopefully 2021 is better. Glad you're getting healthier.

Submitted by Ralph4navy on

I'm a long time listener and found Tom's advice and words of wisdom very helpful over the last several years. I met Tom at a dinner event and I can tell you that he is genuine, true to his word, and really does wish the best for all of us listeners. The most helpful advice that works for me this year is to get better at cooking your own meals and avoiding public areas whenever you can. Patience is the key now more than ever to pull through this pandemic since it's one thing to read a short historical account of the Spanish Flu, but the real world fact is that a pandemic drags on for several months or more. I'm grateful that Tom is here for us in ways that nobody else has ever been.

Submitted by Rossi on

Great podcast always good too hear how things are measuring up especially during these difficult times!

I would love to have a copy of you're list from this podcast!