Jul 7th, 2020 | Tom Talks

AMERICA AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE Tom enjoyed a great 4th of July weekend. Good hot weather. Some laps in the pool. Incredible baby back ribs in the smoker. Except for when, stupidly, he turned on CNN's 4th of July special. Things then took a turn for the worse!

This is the song as performed on CNN on July 4th that got Tom going.

This is the entire original recording with lyrics, in case you don't know or remember them.

From The Washington PostThe creator of Mount Rushmore’s forgotten ties to white supremacy

What do you think? Let Tom know: tom@blowmeuptom.com



Submitted by gigs1777 on

Wow, great episode, Dad. Really hit home.

Submitted by TallTim on

I'm proud of you Tom, you only mentioned Trump 4 times. I was hoping for zero, but it all fell apart near the end, just like your baby back ribs. Funny thing about Rushmore, the lefty emotionalist narrative changes depending on who visits -- https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1279211368525320194 -- When Obama or Bernie does it, its cool and awesome. When Trump does it, its evil and "dark".

Too funny, honestly.

The only reason you're feeling "hollow" is this is part of the Fourth Turning -- https://www.fourthturning.com/ a generational shift that may leave a lot of people in the dust. That is, if you don't have a plan and know what to look out for. Me? I'm fine because I have a plan. It isn't just sequestering myself and doing laps in the pool (though I can see how that's relaxing), its more of an active plan where I'm going to improve my surroundings and reduce my tax burden.

So I'm very happy about that. As for the rest, you seem to feed into the left/marxist ideology of deleting history, which is sad in itself. I figured an educated man like yourself would see the danger in revisionist history, but I guess the blue team message resonated with you more strongly. Lots of dictators tried the "Year Zero" approach -- Pol Pot, Mao, and it resulted in a lot of needless death and destruction.

Hopefully this marxist impulse can be diverted and shown for the farce it is, we'll see how the fourth turning works out. I'm feeling good about, it any case.

Submitted by ajthwara on

Tom, you've got to watch Mandalorian for your $6!!!! Better than any of the Star Wars movies since Return of the Jedi

Submitted by Dditzhazy on

But the United States came after the Pilgrims. And the Native Americans were conquered, just as so many other peoples were conquered throughout history, even on European soil. That is the nature of the earth. We have a right to the land, because of Conqueror's Rights. And the USA still consists of a promissory note which shall be cashed by future generations, and is being cashed by present generations. Things are getting better. And despite the facts that you point out Tom, that there have been injustices here, it's still far better than Soviet Russia, or Maoist China, or other tyrannical civilizations which consume people and offer no freedom to people. But we are incrementally approaching those tyrannical cultures described in Brave New World and 1984 - things like compulsory mask wearing (except while you're eating in a restaurant), social distancing (except on airplanes), and so on down the list of group think.

Submitted by TallTim on

...the American Indians weren't exactly all hugs and rainbows, either. They brutally attacked colonies and in the west, a popular go-to move from them would be to draw out the entrails of frontier women and their kids, to let them die out in the elements. Horrible butchering was had at the hands of these people.

American Indians need to learn these two words -- "You Lost". They couldn't gather their tribes together to fight back, hell, they were busy fighting each other. Anyone who gives me a sob story about Indians in America always leaves out the scalping and the bloody terror they sowed during their frequent battles.

But no, in "current year" its about "sacred land" and all that bullshit. Yeah, sacred to who? Your totem spirit animal? Get the fuck outta here. Ever notice they always pull the "sacred land" card to block progress of things, but when it comes to building a casino -- hell yes, lets put that bastard right on our "sacred" land.

Submitted by memoload9 on

Hi Tom
What kind of smoker do u have.

Submitted by TomLeykisNNN on

...the old school smoker they sell at Costco.


Submitted by AlexAlexAlexAlex on

but you of all people should know how paparazzi and media cast news anchors/actors etc are. DUDE you cant sit there and tell us that youve never experienced some form of negative/false press that was seemingly going tto tarnish your reputation.. c.rooked n.ews n.etwork man, i know youve heard the nickname before.. the writing is on the wall, POPS! this is the first step to a broader horrizon.. if you thought , because of your lustrous age, that you know basically all the tricks and all there is to know, you'd be cunningly surprised, my ol' friend!

i cant wait for the episode where you walk us down a journey that started from engaging with an inconvenient truth... dude, youll get listeners like youd never believe..people are dying to hear rational commentary of that which is , lets say opposite to your perspective, one that is not in line verbatim with CNN, for example.. its one of those things in life we all go through, man its part of your marturation process as a human being.. "we never peak with wisdom, just material peaks." and really i think, youll just be reigniting, at least for me, our - i dont know how to word it - listenership/respect in life knowing and learning how to accept that in which can make us uncomfortable/dedication in you/support for you/ and , i dont know , i'm sure something interesting can come about if you take at least a step down into the rabbit hole, dont you think?hmm, who knows, maybe youll see a major flaw somewhere that could possibly debunk the entire thing, putting trump supporters to rest.. that would be bad ass , dude!

i really hope you take a look and grant upon me 5 minutes of your invaluable time to read this; i never wrote in before nor called; as you might tell, it takes me a while to come up with coherent sentennces.. anyway.. long time listener, and i must say your content today moved me.. i didn't necessarily agree with your stance, however , nicely spoken, but it was enough that i had to verbalize outloud my opinion and write in to you..

looking forward to hearing from you and understanding what you think about the idea that CNN is widely phony and possibly negative fabricate or disseminate known false info... and the possibilty that you would delve into and understand how trump supporters became trump supporters , that would be amazing.. thank you,

Submitted by TomLeykisNNN on

...out of the Fox News Rabbit Hole, we can talk about it.


Submitted by Nobody of note on

The United States is not fucked up. At least, we're less fucked up than we've ever been. We just have an obsolete national media cartel that has abandoned the idea of keeping people informed (people don't need the news to be informed anymore) and has instead become a multi-billion dollar rage-baiting industry. Any concept of investigative journalism or truth in the news is quite literally old news. Now all they do is generate buzz by reporting nothing but the absolute darkest, most divisive version of any event because they can't get anyone to pay attention to them unless they're claiming to be harbringers of the apocalypse. The only way they can operate profitably is by getting one side or the other riled up into thinking their political counterparts are Nazis that have just been biding their time and waiting for the perfect moment to turn the US into the Fourth Reich, or something else equally ridiculous depending on who you ask. Most people in the US are not Karens, but people love watching Karens do their thing because having any little shred of human decency and common sense allows them to feel morally and intellectually superior to the Karens. I'd venture so far as to say the Karens of the world are such a miniscule minority that the only effect they will ever have on society at large is give the average citizen someone to whom they can feel superior. I'd even venture so far to say the same thing about actual racists in this country. Yes they exist, but no, there are not enough of them to have any tangible influence on the nation at large. Racism is just the latest buzzword the mainstream media is using to generate clicks and attention in an attempt to rage-bait everyone while ignoring the real source of the problem. But I'm not falling for it. I'm keeping my faith in humanity and believing that, just like nobody is inherently or totally perfect, nobody is inherently or totally evil. And even more, the United States was founded on the best ideas of what a government should be and what it should represent. The people who founded it weren't perfect and didn't have all the answers, but they did have the right idea. And while our history isn't all sunshine and rainbows, neither is anyone else's. In fact, for 250 years of existence under the same system of government, The US has done better as a whole than any other country that has gone the same amount of time without a serious upheaval or overhaul of its governmental structure. Not perfect, but pretty damn good compared to anything else anybody has ever tried.

Submitted by TomLeykisNNN on

...when you agree that Fox News is at the TOP of that list. And not before.

