How do I download MP3s to my phone?

To download MP3s to your phone please follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to with your Premium Subscriber account.
  2. Browse to the Podcasts section of the site.
  3. Browse to the Podcast date which you would like to download.
  4. To download the MP3s you want to listen to, simply right-click on the MP3 file link and hit Save Target As... or Save Link As...
  5. Select a location on your desktop hit Save.
  6. Pro Tip: To speed up downloads you can also ALT+Click on the Download Link and it will automatically start downloading.
  7. Once the download is complete you can then simply drag the MP3s into the application which manages the music for your phone.  Note: For some of you, this may mean simply dragging the MP3 into the Music Storage folder when your phone is connected via USB.

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