May 13th, 2019 | In the News

SEX STRIKE? Alyssa Milano has called for women to withhold sex following the passage of Georgia's so-called "heartbeat" bill, further tightening restrictions on abortion which was signed by Governor Brian Kemp on Tuesday, May 7th. The bill is scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2020. Do you agree with this method of protest? Tom lays out his position.

Here's an article Tom used to prepare for this episode.

What's your opinion? Tom wants to know:





Submitted by xboxown on

No one cares about men's issue and men's reproductive rights. I assure this cunt that I have been doing sex strike against women now for 29 years hahaha! I realized I do not need women, I do not need their body and I do not need to have sex with them period. I pray in my inner heart that 90% of Earth can live without women and have sex with them period.

Submitted by xboxown on


No one cares about men's issue and men's reproductive rights. I assure this cunt that I have been doing sex strike against women now for 29 years hahaha! I realized I do not need women, I do not need their body and I do not need to have sex with them period. I pray in my inner heart that 90% of MEN on Earth can live without women and can LIVE WITHOUT EVER having sex with them period.

Submitted by CL on

A post wall 46 year old woman withholding sex from her husband? She may be doing HIM a favor.

Submitted by xboxown on

I may not speak in behalf of other men but I am speaking for me! PLEASE I WANT YOU TO FORM RALLY and go strike forever.....I as a man would prefer that the men in USA don't touch any women in USA, you all are filthy, dirty and germ carrying biological hazard! Not just physically you are hazardous to men...but mentally you are a biological hazardous weapon!

Submitted by tahkwuh on

Any man whose wife, girlfriend or lover goes on a sex strike, this is what you do: CHEAT ON HER. Then, let her find out and tell her, but honey, you were closed for business, I had to get my pork roasted and your oven was sealed shut. What was I supposed to do...NOT HAVE SEX !?! ;)

Submitted by nguglielmino on

If I was dating a women who wanted to participate in this strike, I would argue that I didn't vote for the politicians who support this (or the current President) and that we do not live in the deep south where this is taking place! Here in CA, our politics are far enough to the left that these abortion laws will not come to fruition. The reality is that if you vote for Donald Trump, and conservative politicians on a state and local level in places like Georgia and Alabama, These are the kind of laws you get...